Monday, November 26, 2012

Filmmaker who believes in LOVE, Wasin Pokpong

Wasin Pokpong Director and Writer of “A Little Thing Called Love” and "My Name is Love”

                With the movie "A Little Thing Called Love" and "My Name is LOVE" are created some crazy trend of romance in Thailand and among Thai film community. So who want to sit down and know more background of the screenwriter/producer/director of these two popular films, Wasin Pokpong?
                Wasin Pokpong has been a director his whole life; it’s seriously the only job he has ever had. His past work includes: Director, Writer and TV-Producer.

My Name is Love (2012)
A Little Thing Called Love (2010)

My Name is Love (2012)
A Little Thing Called Love (2010)
The Odd Couple (2007)

Let's know more about him.

Q: How did you start out in this field of filmmaker?

A: I started out with my friend in the production business, which got me hook on music video production. But I’ve always wanted to produce movies since I was a young boy.

Q: What are the main considerations when you start making the film?

A: Plot, theme, conflict, characters, setting, symbol and point of view. These seven elements are the main things that I have to consider in order to make it relevant, unique and interesting.

Q: What is different between “A Little Thing called LOVE” and “My Name is LOVE?”

A: A Little Thing Called Love started with a woman who told a story of falling in love with an older boy in school and changing herself in order to impress the boy. My Name is Love is a story about cupid, fate and destiny which presents in a view of love that is all around us and sometimes we may oversee it.

Q: Are you writing your real life experience in the film?

A: I think I would identify myself more likely as the women. I was more like the lead actress in the film, not the lead actor”.

Q: What do you think about Thai film box office?

A: Most Thai films are created with a grand opening and then slow down. For my own film, we banked over 4 million baht when it opened and the number keeps rising, very unusual for Thailand.”  

Q: What is the main reason why “A Little Thing called LOVE” win many hearts of the audiences and become one of the top chart in the Box office?

A: It’s about a girl named Nam who is dark-skinned and considered unattractive. With a little whitening cream and help from her friends she becomes the prettiest and smartest girl in school. With the same as many people experience, this movie has stolen many heart of the audience who have gone through similar perils of adolescent relationships. That’s a reason why this movie is doing what most Thai movies never seem to accomplish; contining to make money. Come on, anyone who lives in Thailand knows that this story is going to kill at the box office.

Q: Who is the great performer you have ever work with?

A: I would rather say….
Bai-fern, Pimchanok. She nails the role in this whole film, which the movie spans about 10 years and she is the only one who looks different throughout, physically and emotionally though the whole film. She should win the Thai Oscar for the best performance!

Q: What is the characteristic of your film?

A: BASED ON TRUE STORY! I believe in LOVE in the real life that people may oversee it and I would like to express in my entire film.

Thank you,

I think and l'm looking forward to watching your professional and interesting films in the future. 

"Talking about romantic comedy film, talking about Wasin Pokpong."

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